Jana Abromowitz Fund

The Jana Ivanova Abromowitz Fund provides scholarships and financial assistance to I.M.A. programs for students who are recent immigrants or for whom English is not their primary language.

  • Jana was one of our shining stars. 
  • She had come to America as a 15 year old adoptee from a life spent in a Bulgarian orphanage. 
  • She knew no English but she could she sing and light up not just a stage but any room into which she walked. 
  • Her life was cut short in a senseless act of violence.  
  • We honor her memory and celebrate music as the universal language with this fund. 

If you would like to make a donation to the this fund, please do so by clicking the button below.

If you know of an individual or organization who might benefit from knowledge of this fund please pass the information on.

A special thanks to the Christopher and Susan Mastroianni Foundation for generously providing a seed grant for the Jana Ivanova Abromowitz fund.