June Millington’s autobiography titled “Land of a Thousand Bridges” is now available!
The book narrates the rise of the band Fanny to stardom and tells the story of determined young women who defied the odds and found a sliver of freedom during the Civil Rights struggle when feminism found a voice in the mid-to late ’60s.

“Land of a Thousand Bridges” tells it from the inside out. Its sub-title, “Island Girl in a Rock and Roll World,” covers the arc that took Millington as a young Filipina-American from folk, to funk, to rock and into the women’s music movement. This provided the foundation for Millington to co-found the Institute for the Musical Arts (I.M.A.). I.M.A. is publishing the book with all profits supporting I.M.A.’s ongoing programming for women and girls in music.

Bonus! For a donation of $15.00, you may download
Chapter 1 of “Land of a Thousand Bridges” as ready by June Millington.
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